Saturday, April 7, 2012

Foot Surgery!

Wow, it's been a while since I posted last!  This is due, in part, to the fact that I got my foot operated on.  You see, I have pretty terrible bunions, which is where the bone is misshapen.  It was only going to get worse over time, so I decided to get them done now.  My surgery was March 6th.  They basically sawed my bone in half, shaved some bone off, and put dissolvable pins in my foot, and wrapped it all up in a cast.  Needless to say, it hurt like HELL for the first week.  I spent 7 days in bed and unable to move, and let me tell you, that was enough for me!
I got my cast off on Wednesday though, so now I can walk on it after a month!  It's really frustrating not being able to do things for yourself.  Even simple things I couldn't do, like carrying things upstairs.  Resuming my typical housewifey activities felt great!  And I can drive again.
So anyway, here are some stupid pictures of me and my cast:

Happy Almost-Easter Everyone!  
I'll make another post in regards to Easter baking/bath bomb-making.

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