Friday, February 10, 2012

First Blog Post!

Actually, this is my first experience with blogging... ever.
My name is Veronica.  I live in upstate New York, and I'm a senior in high school, but will graduate in a mere four months from now!  Next year, I'm headed off to Northwestern University, slated to be a Theatre major (with a possible minor in Art History or... GASP!... Chemistry).
My favorite subjects in school are French, Art, English, and Biology.  The only classes that leave a bad taste in my mouth are ones that involve trigonometry and/or linear programming (MATH, eep).
Besides creating art in my spare time, I love to travel when I can, and I ADORE cooking and baking.  I possess all of the skills of the ideal housewife, despite being a hardcore feminist (isn't it ironic?).
That's all I can think of right now.  You'll learn more about me the more I post, hopefully.
This is me:

I have a difficult time making a straight face in any photo taken of me.  So get used to that.
Anyway,  whilst blogging, I want to focus on my hobby for artwork, including costuming, dollin' up, painting, drawing, and all that jazz.  It will be nice to finally organize my thoughts for my own benefit as well as everyone else's!

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