Friday, February 10, 2012

Past Project #2: RenFaire Gowns for Me and Aubrey

My best friend Aubrey and I go to the Renaissance Faire almost every year (except not last year... *tear tear*).  She and I have shared the same love of dress-up ever since third grade when we first met.  Thankfully, our dress-up has evolved from tacky ready-made '80's tube dresses and bad hair to period clothing and Lucille Ball hairstyles (you might see those later).
These are some basic peasant gowns I made for us.  Aubrey's consists of a chemise, a skirt (natural linen cotton dyed yellow), and a bodice.  Mine is loosely based off of an Irish gown (except I didn't wear a leine underneath), with a regular chemise, a skirt (dyed olive green), and a bodice with an attached skirt.

On the way to the RenFaire, Aubrey unfortunately lost her navy green snood (hair net-type thing i'm wearing).  We never found it!

With Don Juan and Miguel!  These guys were hilarious.  And great at snapping whips!

Tevas?  Totally historically accurate!  

I look goofy but look at our matching trims!

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