Friday, February 10, 2012

Past Project #1: The "Marie Antoinette" Gown

I took AP European History as a sophomore (this was 2010).  What a labor-intensive class that was!  During the middle of the year we were assigned a singular creative project on the French Revolution.  I decided to go ahead and make an 18th-century costume that I could wear for the class and teach everybody about the basic articles of clothing: the chemise, the pocket hoops, the stockings, shoes, underskirt, overgown, etc.  Everybody was amused at the fact that I walked around school all day dressed like this (it was too labor-intensive to change out of).
I definitely took some liberties with this, as this was my first attempt at making a costume that needed boning.  it laces up in the back, and doesn't have watteau pleats in the back that would have been characteristic of many robes à la françaises at the time.  But this was a 10th grade class... they wouldn't know the difference!  ;)

You'll see a painting based off of this photo later...

I'm sorry there aren't any decent views of the dress in full (after being hemmed, that first picture looks like I'm drowning in moiré).

And wouldn't ya know it, I painted it for an art project!  Two-in-one, sophomore year!  It got the Teacher's Choice Award, that's the little purple ribbon.

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